
Zone 2️⃣ Cardio: Improves Health Markers and Increases Cardiovascular Endurance

Zone 2 cardio should be 80% of your cardio, leaving room for the other 20% to be what you enjoy or some sort of HIIT-style cardio. The only exception to this is if you have a specific sport or hobby that requires you to do a majority of your cardio in a different zone (ie maybe if you play a sport like lacrosse or if you are intensely training for a marathon). Zone 2 cardio is keeping your heart rate between 110-130 BPM. The American Heart Association recommendation is 75 mins of intense cardio or 150 mins of moderate cardio weekly.

Some of the benefits of zone 2 cardio are:
💥Lowers resting heart rate
💥Decreases blood pressure
💥Increases mitochondrial efficiency
💥Improves insulin resistance

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