
Training Splits

Let’s talk about training splits. When I’m designing a program for a client, my first question is always: “How often can you get to the gym consistently?”

If the answer is:

⭐2-3 times per week: total body split

⭐4 days a week: 2 lower body, 2 upper body sessions

⭐5 days a week: either keep the lower body, upper body split (2 lower, 3 upper / 3 lower, 2 upper) OR muscle group split

⭐6 days a week – muscle groups with push, pull, legs split

Ready to take your health and nutrition to the next level? Custom programming is available through my coaching program. Confused on what to do in the gym and looking for an affordable option to start? Download my app for a flexible training program for people who are able to train 3-5 days a week.

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