
Time under tension doesn’t do 💩

Time under tension doesn’t do 💩

People still talk about time under tension like it hasn’t been blown to pieces 💥 over the past decade. The study cited below compared doing repetitions that took 3 seconds to repetitions that took 6 seconds and found no significant differences between the two groups. They both built muscle. This was a controlled study and these results have been duplicated in other studies. Meaning time under tension doesn’t do 💩

Far more important than the tempo of your repetition is that the exercise is pain free, that you feel the intended muscle and you are able to get stronger on the exercise over time.

Source: Schoenfeld, Brad J. et al. “Effect of Repetition Duration During Resistance Training on Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Sports Medicine, January 2015

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