
The food group that brought you Quest Nutrition now brings you Legendary Foods

The people who brought you @questnutrition are now bringing you @legendaryfoods. I’ve been following this company for a little over a year now and I thought the products were OK at first, but the new stuff that they’re putting out is the 💣. I really enjoyed some of the newer flavors of pop tarts I’ve been having.

Eventually their non-competes are going to run out with Atkins, who acquired Quest, and they’re going to start releasing powders and bars. Be on the lookout for this company, they are going to blow up.

#legendaryfoods #eatlegendary #questnutrition #onaquest #atkins #protein #highprotein #highproteinsnack #highproteinlowcarb #healthysnack #dietingtips #macros #trackingmacros #caloriecount #caloriedeficit #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam

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