
Sleep time ritual

I’m going to take you through my sleep time ritual.

As adults, we should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night and we should be going to bed approximately at the same time 7 nights a week. I know that’s impossible for some of us, but the reality is physiology is heartless. It doesn’t care about the stress in your life, your work demands, or the fact that you have little kids at home. This means, we have to make the sleep we DO get as consistent and impactful as possible.

Here’s what I do:

1️⃣ Minimize stress before bedtime. Maybe you have limited time with your partner, but I would avoid having difficult conversations before bed. Maybe you have a demanding career, but I also recommend not checking your emails before bed. This also includes putting away blue light. You don’t need to binge watch your favorite Netflix special before bed.
2️⃣ Create an environment conducive to falling asleep and staying asleep. Bring temperature down, I typically put the thermostat around 65 degrees. I also make sure there is no light in the room; I love blackout shades for this.
3️⃣ Take a hot shower. Taking a hot shower will cause your body temperature to temporarily increase because of the hot water running on your body, but as you exit the shower you’ll be greeted by room temperature which will cause your body to start to adjust to its environment. This entire process will initiates your core body temperature cooling which facilitates falling asleep.

💊Here are some supplements that I find impactful in my sleep routine:

1️⃣ Magnesium Glycinate
2️⃣ Inositol
3️⃣ L-Theanine (This has the same active ingredient as chamomile)

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