
Shorter Rest Breaks are Killing your Gains

A study looked at 1-minute rest breaks versus 3-minute rest breaks and found that if you took shorter rest breaks you needed more sets to build muscle.

The reason for this is because after you do a challenging set, you need adequate rest in order to do another equally challenging set. With shorter rest breaks, you are still fatigued from your last set. So you can’t fully push yourself and therefore the next set is less effective. You may get a quicker workout, but you aren’t fooling your body. You aren’t getting the results you want. The ideal rest break is 2-4 minutes between sets.

Source: Longo, Ariel Roberth et al. “Volume Load Rather Than Resting Interval Influences Muscle Hypertrophy During High-Intensity Resistance Training.” The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, June 2022

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