
Sauna best practices

Everyone knows that saunas are incredible for your health.

How do I apply that research to our @SISU_sauna?

1️⃣ Temperature – we want a temperature of at least 180* Fahrenheit. But remember: heat escapes when we open and close the sauna door. Because of this, I always set my temperature to 200* to ensure I’m at the appropriate temperature the entire time.

2️⃣ Duration – I sauna for at least 20 minutes. This is due to the fact that sauna bathing mimics moderate-intensity workouts.

3️⃣ Frequency – I would recommend using your sauna 3 times a week, each at a duration of 20 minutes. This will give you a minimum time of 60 minutes in your sauna per week.

Remember: because the sauna mimics moderate-intensity exercise, more may be better. There may be benefit to using the sauna up to 7 days a week.

🚨 Visit the LinkTree in my bio and use code JZEMER to get a discount on your SISU sauna!

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