
Researchers, practitioners, and influencers

I’ve been seeing a lot of influencers lately making claims about the color of foods and what that supposedly means for nutrition… In this video, the gentleman compares Alaskan to sockeye salmon.

Alaskan salmon, whether farm-raised or wild-caught, is going to be a pinkish hue. Whereas sockeye salmon, whether farm-raised or wild caught, is going to be a reddish hue. The color difference has nothing to do with nutritional value.

Social media is incredible because anybody can get on their phone and reach the masses. It’s an incredible tool to market yourself or your business. Even myself, I’m only on social media because I have a business.

I was originally a personal trainer who wanted to grow my business. And even now, I have an online coaching business on top of an in-person training business. That’s why I’m on social media. I’m a practitioner.

There are also researchers who post on social media. These people conduct research which is vital to our understanding on any subject.
Both practitioners and researchers further our understanding of any given topic. People are entitled to their personal experiences, however, this can be anecdotal.

Just be mindful who you’re listening to on health, nutrition, and fitness online. Just ask yourself if they are a practitioner or a researcher or are they simply an influencer and their experiences are limited to those of which they have had themselves.

This doesn’t mean that influencers’ experiences are wrong or hold no value – it just means that they can be limited due to it only being their experience.

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