
Protein-packed pizza

I’m going to show you how to make a protein-packed pizza. Here’s how I did it:

〰️ 1 @josephspitabread lavash bread
〰️ 62g @raoshomemade marinara sauce
〰️ 84g shredded fat-free cheddar cheese
〰️ 28g turkey pepperoni

〰️ Take lavash bread and spread marinara sauce evenly on top
〰️ Sprinkle cheese and pepperonis over the top
〰️ Bake at 420* for 5-7 minutes depending on your preferred level of crispness

370 calories | 48g protein | 4g fiber

🚨Disclaimer: a client showed me this, she found this recipe on Instagram. I am not the original creator of this recipe.

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