
Post-workout protein consumption💪🏻

This year, I am consuming a lot more protein post-workout.

Previously, I ate a minimum of 0.8 times my body weight in grams of protein, distributed across five meals with roughly 40 grams of protein each. I’m still eating a minimum of 0.8 times my body weight in grams of protein, however, going forward I’m going to be eating more protein after my lifts.

If you’re struggling to hit your protein goal, I think post-workout (0-3 hours after working out) is a great time to eat a lot of protein.

This is based on a study that looked at two groups:

Group A was given 25g of milk protein
Group B was given 100g of milk protein

Group B was found to be in a state of anabolism (building muscle) for a longer period of time.

So, going forward, I’m going to be having more protein post-workout. The study looked at milk protein, however, I don’t think the source matters as long as it contributes to muscle protein synthesis.

SOURCE: Trommelen J, van Lieshout GAA, Nyakayiru J, et al. The anabolic response to protein ingestion during recovery from exercise has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans. Cell Rep Med. 2023;4(12):101324. doi:10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101324

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