
People Think you Can’t Run Long Distances and be Jacked

Client spotlight: @brianmazza. Brian has been running 100+ miles every month for the last 8 months straight on top of weight training with me 3 days a week. When we weight train together, we usually do 2 total body days and 1 push/pull day where we let his legs recover before his long run of the week. Even if he runs a marathon the weekend before, we still train upper body the following Monday.

There’s a common misconception that you can’t be an endurance runner and still be jacked, and while it’s not easy to do both, it absolutely is possible. Proper nutrition and recovery are essential because if you aren’t getting enough nutrients in, you will burn off that precious muscle. And if you aren’t getting enough protein and sleep, you certainly will be beat down from this many hours spent training.

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