Question from @patdamiano_: How has my philosophy/approach to lifting changed over the years?
After 26 years of weight training and helping thousands of people primarily in their 30s and 40s lose weight, my approach has evolved. Everybody has trigger points – here are some 🔑key insights:
1️⃣ Glutei Medii: Stronger glutei medii prevents knee buckling during squats and leg presses. For some people, knees buckling in isn’t an issue but for general population, I would be weary.
2️⃣ Rotator Cuff: Train and mobilize your rotator cuff regularly to avoid shoulder issues. If you lift seriously, at some point you will probably encounter some degree of shoulder pain as you age.
3️⃣ Hip Flexors: Train your hip flexors to prevent tightness and fatigue. Whether you run, lift heavy, or a combination of either, at some point you will deal with tight hip flexors.
4️⃣ Forearm Extensors: Strengthen these to avoid elbow tendonitis as you age. This won’t guarantee that you won’t experience some form of elbow tendonitis, my other strong recommendation is that you warm-up sufficiently when pressing or pulling with heavy weight. You can also try using straps and/or a thumbless grip when pulling.
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