
Optimal training of quads uses both compound and isolation movements

In order to fully grow your quads, you must use both compound movements like the squat and leg press but also isolation movements like the leg extension and sissy squat.

The multi-joint movements like the squat and leg press are essential to build strong, muscular legs, but emerging evidence cited below suggests that they barely work a certain part of your quadriceps. The squat and leg press heavily stimulate your vasti muscles, three of the four muscles of the quad, and the leg extension and sissy squat more specifically target the rectus femoris. So you need to be doing both compound and isolation movements to reach your legs’ full potential.

Source: Kubo, Keitaro et al. “Effects of squat training with different depths on lower limb muscle volumes.” Eur J Appl Physiol, September 2019

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