

I take melatonin every night before bed. That doesn’t mean I’m advising YOU to take it. I do this in conjunction with a bedtime ritual because if I don’t my sleep is trash.

1️⃣ I shut off any blue light 2 hours before bed.
2️⃣ My bedroom is pitch black at a temperature of 65 degrees.
3️⃣ I take 3mg of melatonin followed by…
4️⃣ …a hot shower.

A few things to remember about melatonin:
1️⃣ An effective dose is between 1-10mg.
2️⃣ Your body does not habituate to it
3️⃣ Melatonin is meant to be taken consistently at the same time every night

There are some risks associated with taking melatonin. They are the same risks associated with sleeplessness. I am not advising you to take it- but It’s something I do in my life because it helps me get meaningful sleep, which is essential for a long life.

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