
Looking for a more natural protein snack?

Still haven’t found a convenient protein snack you absolutely love? @epicbar may be right for you. No it doesn’t pass the test, there isn’t 10g protein per 100 calories with all of these bars. However they are very minimally processed. They’re obviously not a sweet snack, instead a savory one, but I have found the product to be delicious.

When you look at the literature you need a massive amount of aspartame to be carcinogenic. When you look at the studies involving sucralose it involves intravenously injecting it into rodents. And when it comes to the case studies on erythritol they did not use general population- instead they used a group of people who all had prior heart disease.

On this channel I always like to make you aware of the options available to you, and I found Epic to be an interesting and savory protein bar.

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