
It’s not “personal training” because I’m not your f***ing friend

It’s not “personal training” because I’m not your f***ing friend ❌

I have trained people for years and many of them I could not tell you their kids’ names. It’s not because I don’t care about them, it’s because when we’re in the gym it’s business. The way I show people I care is to get them the results they’ve always wanted.

Working out with the intention of changing your body requires a certain level of intensity, and it’s the kind of intensity that you can’t talk while performing a set. If you came up to one of my clients mid-way through a set, they wouldn’t be able to tell you their middle name. They’d have to look at you and say, “One second.” That’s what’s required to change your life.

Link in bio if you want to learn how to actually train.

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