Insurance companies are winning—but that doesn’t mean you should lose.
Let’s be real: insurance companies are raking in record profits while jacking up premiums and offering us less in return. Nothing new, right?
I constantly talk about the importance of getting your bloodwork done. I’ve shared which labs I typically request and tried to give you the confidence to advocate for yourself with your doctor.
Remember: You are an asset.
Getting lab work might feel excessive or unnecessary, but it’s one of the best investments in your long-term health. One of the biggest objections I hear is cost. If the additional panels I recommend aren’t in your budget, start with the basics—something is always better than nothing.
Another common concern? That too much testing is “harmful.” I think that’s complete nonsense. Before doing additional testing, inquire about any possible side effects and see if they pertain to you. In the case of my CCTA scan, contrast can sometimes elevate kidney function. So I spoke to my primary care physician and my concierge doctor and neither of them had concerns about going forward with the Executive Scan.
Another concern is anxiety from false-positives. As an example, from my own life, my AST and ALT have always been slightly elevated. The first step is to retest your labs which I went ahead and did. I had multiple panels coming back with my liver functions slightly elevated. At this point, I talked to my doctor about getting a sonogram on my liver. The results of this additional testing via sonogram came back perfectly normal. Now, I have peace of mind that my liver is fine and have increased confidence that my AST and ALT are elevated due to working out so intensely.
It’s always important to defer to expertise, your doctor; however, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself or to get a second opinion. More information isn’t dangerous but ignorance can be. Yes, excessive testing can lead to anxiety, but it can also catch something early. And when it comes to your health, the risk is almost always worth the reward—especially if you have the means to do so.
Be proactive. Get tested. Take control of your health.