
How to know if a food is high in protein

Got this question from @oujones1 – how to determine if a food is high in protein. This time, we are using protein bars and shakes. I have previously looked at meat.

Remember, to determine if a food is high in protein, there should be 10g of protein for every 100 calories.

Let’s look at some nutrition labels on some protein shakes and protein bars and see if they pass the test:

❌Power Crunch Bar – 220 calories, 13g protein = does NOT pass the test
Take the 13g and add a 0 – are the calories 130 calories or less? No. Then it does not pass the test.

✅Barebell Protein Bar – 200 calories, 20g protein = passes the test
In the case of the Barebell protein bar, we need to take 20g and add a 0. Are the calories 200 calories or less? Yes. It passes!

✅Fairlife Nutrition Plan – 150 calories, 30g protein = absolutely OBLITERATES the test
In the case of Fairlife, we need to add a 0 to end of 30g. Is the shake 300 calories or less? In this case, it obliterates the test.

For effective protein consumption within calorie limits, it’s crucial to analyze the nutritional information on food labels.

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