
How to determine if a food is high in protein

I talk about The Test constantly in my videos. For a food to be considered an optimal protein source, we want 10% of the calories coming from protein. Simply – if a protein bar is 100 calories, we want protein to be 10g or more. If a cut of steak is 210 calories, we want protein to be 21g or more.

In this video, I review what The Test reviewing process looks like when looking at various meat nutrition labels:

❌Sirloin Steak – 260 calories, 23g protein = does NOT pass the test
✅Top Sirloin – 190 calories, 37g protein = absolutely OBLITERATES the test
❌85/15 Ground Beef – 230 calories, 19g protein = does NOT pass
✅93/7 Ground Turkey – 150 calories, 22g protein = absolutely passes

I feel the need to reiterate: none of these foods are bad! But we need to look at the nutrition labels when determining if a food is optimal for hitting your protein goals while keeping your calories low.

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