His son lost 50lbs in one month!
LOL… get the fuck out of here.
When you see shit like this on the internet, please know that these overpromising weight loss coaches are lying to your face.
If you can lose 5lbs a month, that is a fantastic goal.
In general, losing 1lb to 1.5lb per week is sustainable and makes sticking to your nutrition goals much easier. The most weight loss I’ve seen in a month as a coach is about 10lbs and they were much bigger men who had a lot of weight to lose.
A lot of these online coaches are full of shit and promising you a lie so it sounds like a quick and easy fix. Did it take you a month to get to the weight you’re at now? No. Then why would it take a month to lose it?
If you take a dramatic approach to weight loss, you are more likely to regain it because the method you used in the first place was not sustainable. Say you decide to cut all carbohydrates out of your diet, when you begin introducing carbohydrates back, chances are you will regain weight. If you decide you are no longer going to drink alcohol or eat out in order to lose weight, that’s great! If you can do that for the rest of your life… but once you reintroduce those habits, you will likely regain. This is why so many people fail at weight loss.
I’ve helped thousands of people with real lives lose weight with a sustainable approach to dieting and exercise.
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