
Greens powders

Greens powders are not a substitution for fruits and vegetables.

Look, greens powders are highly popular right now thanks to social media. Many people think this is a solid solution to not eating enough produce, but you are essentially buying a powdered multivitamin.

Thanks to the successful marketing, many consumers have been influenced to believe they can’t start their morning without their scoop of AG1… that’s simply not the case.

They aren’t evil – they just aren’t a substitute for the real thing.

It’s better to get your micronutrients from real fruits and vegetables for a number of reasons: feeling satiated with increased food volume, soluble fiber, polyphenol, antioxidants, adds variety to your diet.

I suggest to get your labs done and supplement as needed. No need to spend $ on this product if you have a well-rounded diet and good blood work.

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