🥚Eggs may raise your testosterone.
In a recent study, there were 2 groups:
Group 🅰️ – 3 whole eggs after resistance training
Group 🅱️ – 6 egg whites after resistance training
The study found that “Postexercise whole egg ingestion (GROUP A) increases knee extension and handgrip strength, testosterone, and reduces body fat percentage compared with postexercise egg white ingestion (GROUP B), despite no group differences in muscle mass, in resistance-trained young males.”
This definitely doesn’t mean there isn’t a time and place for egg whites due to their high protein to low calorie ratio – but it certainly speaks to the importance of eggs and that you should incorporate them into your diet.
Citation: Bagheri, R., Hooshmand Moghadam, B., Ashtary-Larky, D., Forbes, S. C., Candow, D. G., Galpin, A. J., Eskandari, M., Kreider, R. B., & Wong, A. (2021). Whole Egg Vs. Egg White Ingestion During 12 weeks of Resistance Training in Trained Young Males: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 35(2), 411–419.
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