
Client Transformation

Client spotlight: Stephen Cummings is a coaching client on @getverb who lost 34lbs in 5 months. Here’s what he had to say about working with me:

“To be honest with you, this was really difficult for me to look at when I went through old photos from last year. I was in a bad place. I knew I was unhealthy and that I needed help, but I don’t think I realized how bad it had really gotten. I really can’t thank you enough for helping me get to where I am today.

At my heaviest last year I weighed in at 262. We started this with the goal of 220-225. Today I weighed in at 216. We blew past my goal and I’m planning to keep it going. My journey isn’t over, and you’ve given me the tools to keep going. Thank you for giving me my life back. Let’s f***ing go!”

Link in bio to change your life.

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