
Client Transformation: Arron Bennett

Client spotlight: Arron Bennett is a coaching client on @getverb who lost more than 40lbs in his time working with me. I’ve never had the pleasure of working with him in person. Here’s what he had to say about the experience:

“My core issue was always nutrition and accountability around nutrition. I am an entrepreneur and live a busy lifestyle so eating on the run was always the hardest thing for me. I was already in the gym 3-5 times a week, but the nutrition was letting me down.

I wanted to drop a solid amount of weight but I also needed someone to hold me accountable to it. I like that if I ignore you for a couple of hours and don’t respond, you follow up and make sure you get an answer.

I’ve stuck with this because you did what you said you would do when we started. Mentally, I am making better choices, especially when I am traveling. Physically – well the pics of the weight loss transformation speak for themselves.”

Link in bio to change your life.

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