
Client spotlight: John

Client spotlight: John Sudol is a coaching client on @getverb who lost 20+lbs with me in 6 months. Here’s what he has to say about working with me:

“I came to you for a few reasons. The first being that I was always an athletic person, but had never figured out my nutrition so always felt like my appearance didn’t depict what I was capable of. The second being, I knew my eating habits were poor and getting worse. And I have 2 young sons now who I want to grow up and learn by example. Being the fat dad is not me, and I wanted to get my habits straight to set the example for my boys. I was looking to lean out but more importantly I wanted to feel like I changed the way I looked and thought about food. I achieved both results and then some in opinion.

Not only did I lose more than 20lbs but I really feel like Jacob helped me get this new perspective on eating/food. How important it is to account for your macros and HAVE A PLAN/PREPARE. I have tried multiple trainers in the past like Jacob and failed with all of them. Something Jacob is incredible at is keeping you accountable in a very humbling manor. If I missed a goal or didn’t hit the macros we set out to hit, it wasn’t a mean text coming my way. It was a reminder of my goals and why I’m doing this. His ability to shift my focus back into my goal was the key to my success. I stuck with the program because from the beginning I could sense how passionate Jacob was about this and I saw results fast. I have taken a lot out of the past few months working with him and I finally feel like I have unlocked the mentality to keep my nutrition in check and be/continue to be the example for my son’s that I wanted from the beginning. Forever grateful.”

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