
Building a weak body part

If you’re looking to bring up a lagging body part—let’s say my chest—here’s a detailed plan to get results:

1️⃣ Prioritize it in your training routine – train your chest early in the week when your energy and focus are highest. Make it the first muscle group you train in your session to give it your full attention and effort.

2️⃣ Target all parts of the muscle – the chest is made up of two muscles: the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor.

To ensure balanced development:
🔘 Include a flat press movement (barbell bench press or dumbbell bench press) to target the entire chest.
🔘 Include an incline press (incline dumbbell press or incline bench press) to emphasize the upper chest.

3️⃣ Dial in the right volume – proper volume is critical for growth. Aim 3-6 sets per muscle group, depending on how close you push to failure. Ensure good form and controlled reps to maximize tension on the muscle.

Example for chest:
🔘 2-3 sets of a flat press exercise
🔘 2-3 sets of an incline press exercise

4️⃣ Train with adequate frequency – train your chest every 72–96 hours to allow enough recovery while maintaining consistent stimulus for growth. For example, you might train it on Monday and again on Thursday or Friday.

I didn’t mention in the video but clearly intensity is a huge part of growing muscle. You want to make sure that you’re taking each set near to failure which is why we’re doing such minor volume. The worst thing you can do when you’re trying to build muscle, is go to the gym and perform sets that aren’t strenuous. Sure, you’re burning calories and getting your heart rate up but you’re not recruiting enough fibers to elicit growth.

By following these principles, you’ll create a balanced, consistent approach to improving your chest—or any other lagging body part.

🚨I’m sure someone is going to comment ‘steroids’ on this video. I have been very open about being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and how that has aided my physique. But I have worked with hundreds of clients who have been 100% natural as well as hundreds going through Hormone Replacement Therapy.

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