
5 favorite macro-friendly ice creams

These are my 5 favorite macro-friendly ice creams. If you never get a craving for ice cream then don’t bother reading this caption.

5️⃣ @cliosnacks Greek Yogurt Bars: I’m not a fan of the strawberry or blueberry, but the other flavors are absolutely insane. They taste like cheesecake.

4️⃣ @eatenlightened Light: I just find this to be the least tasty of all the macro-friendly ice creams, and some of the pints have well over 500 calories. If I’m going to have that many calories it’s going to be Häagen-Dazs.

3️⃣ @nicksicecreams Swedish-style ice cream: The macros on this are slightly inferior to Halo Top but the flavor is there on most of these pints.

2️⃣ @halotopcreamery with its new, creamier taste (says it on the label so it must be true): This has always been one of my top picks but it’s even better now and has 20g protein per pint.

👑 @yasso Greek yogurt bars: These things are so damn delicious. I honestly think it’s as close as possible to real ice cream. My only issue with it is trying to not eat all 4 bars that come in the package.

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