
3 things I think about when I have food

When I think about food, I think about 3 factors:
1️⃣ Does it have protein?
2️⃣ Does it have fiber?
3️⃣ Do I actually f***ing enjoy it?

Your primary source of fiber should be fruits and vegetables, but I find it difficult to get an adequate amount, especially when dieting. So I rely on other products to help me achieve this. @human.improvement has both protein and psyllium husk, that’s a clear winner for me. (You can use my code “JZ15” to get 15% off.)

I’m obsessed with 647 Bread and @missionfoodsus carb wraps. I’ve really come to love @smartsweets, particularly the Swedish fish. If I can feel like I’m eating gummies and get 15g fiber that’s a clear win.

Why am I so obsessed with fiber? Because It decreases my risk for heart disease and cancer by 10% for every 10g I eat daily.

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