
3 Exercises to Build a Rounder Booty

3 types of movements to build a rounder booty:

1️⃣ Hip thruster variations:
Barbell hip thruster
Heel elevated glute bridge
Pure hip thrust
Glute drive
Booty builder
Smith machine glute drive

2️⃣ Squat variations:
Lowbar squats
Sumo squats
Box squats
Suitcase squats
Racked dumbbell squats

3️⃣ Single leg variations:
Bulgarian split squats
Reverse lunges
Walking lunges
Front foot elevated split squats
High box step ups

Allison is a partner at an accounting firm with a 3 year old daughter. If you’re a real person looking to build a real round booty, these exercises will work for you. You can go to my linktree or JacobZemer.com for coaching or to sign up for my training app.

Thank you to Madison Ave Strength Lab @MadisonAveStrengthLab. They’re an exclusive new studio that opened in Larchmont, NY across from the I-95 exit. I’m going to be filming some content here. They offer private memberships and the studio is absolutely stunning. The equipment is top-notch.

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