
3 antioxidants for your health

I’m going to talk to you about 3️⃣ antioxidants for your health:

1️⃣ Ubiquinol – I take 200mg every morning. This is the precursor for CoQ10 and tends to be more bioavailable than CoQ10. This is the GOAT antioxidant for cardiovascular health 🐐 I routinely ask clients to talk to their doctor about taking this supplement due to its cardiovascular benefits.

2️⃣ Glutathione – This is a powerful antioxidant that helps detoxify the liver. You hear people on social media constantly talk about detoxing which is usually total bullshit – you don’t need a tea or potion to do that. The function of the liver is to detoxify your body. This antioxidant aids in that function. I suggest taking the precursors to Glutathione because it’s more bioavailable – I take 1000mg of N-acetylcysteine and I take 3g of Glycine every day.

3️⃣ Curcumin – This is the active ingredient in the root Turmeric. This is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Curcumins health benefits are numerous however there can be some side effects when taken in high dosages. The usual recommended dose is 400-600mg. Due to the additional side effects that this supplement may have, it’s important to discuss with your physician beforehand.

Remember: Always talk to a clinician before adding a supplement into your routine.

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