These are my 5 favorite vegetables for clients while dieting. No they don’t have magic properties and no they are not the only ones you can eat.
1️⃣BROCCOLI: Has insane macros and I love to buy it frozen because it’s easy at the end of a long day.
2️⃣CARROTS: They are high in fiber and beta carotene and ready to go. You can take these things with you anywhere. Grab them out of the fridge and take them on a long trip with you.
3️⃣BRUSSELS SPROUTS: This is my alternative when I get sick of broccoli. I usually have to put some sort of dipping sauce on it to stomach them but they have great macros and are high in vitamin K.
4️⃣SPINACH: Try eating this whole damn thing. It’s high in fiber, folate and potassium.
5️⃣PICKLES: They’re simply cucumbers in vinegar. These suckers are very low calorie. Unless you have issues with high blood pressure, you shouldn’t be concerned about a little sodium in one meal.
What’s your favorite green vegetable?
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