Greek yogurt is one of my favorite sources of protein.
I’m here at @TraderJoes to show you some things you can add to your Greek yogurt for nutrients and taste:
1️⃣ Sunflower Seed Butter – Adds healthy fats and makes the yogurt more satiating and creamy with a nutty flavor.
2️⃣ Berries – Provide antioxidants, fiber, and natural sweetness while adding a refreshing, juicy texture.
3️⃣ Cacao Powder – Easy to mix in and rich in polyphenols, iron, and magnesium.
4️⃣ 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate Chips – Adding dark chocolate to your diet has a ton of health benefits. Not only does it taste amazing, it also adds varied texture.
5️⃣ Chia Seeds – Not a personal favorite topping but a powerhouse of fiber, omega-3s, and protein. I actually start my day every morning with 2tbsp of chia seeds despite not being my preference of taste.
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